| 1. | The mongol invasions and the fall of the kamakura shogunate 元寇和镰仓幕府的灭亡 |
| 2. | The mongol invasions and the decline of the kamakura shogunate 元的袭击和镰仓幕府的衰落 |
| 3. | Then the mongols established the yuan dynasty 以后蒙古人建立元朝。 |
| 4. | On this date : in 1227 , the mongol conqueror genghis khan died 1227年,蒙古国王成吉思汗逝世 |
| 5. | Scenes from history : the mongol invasions 历史著名场面蒙古袭来 |
| 6. | The mongol army that attacked from across the sea 元军越海攻来 |
| 7. | The mongol secret history has many - faceted research values 摘要《蒙古秘史》具有多方面的研究价值。 |
| 8. | A brief survey on the study of local legal history of the mongols 近年来蒙古民族地方法制史研究述评 |
| 9. | The festival commemorates a 14th century uprising against the mongols 中秋节是人月两团圆的好日子。 |
| 10. | Negotiations with russia fix the central asian frontier , and doom the mongols 与俄罗斯斡旋确立中亚边境以及剿灭蒙古人。 |